Saturday, April 10, 2010

Call In the Parenting Police!

A sampling of comments from Celebrity Baby Blog that are sure to leave you a) dismayed at peoples' ability to be judgmental assholes, or b) stirred into a frothy rage because a toddler isn't wearing a shirt.

The first article contains this picture of Kelly Rutherford and her daughter Helena:

Parenting Police on the scene attempt to make a joke out of being a total killjoy on a cute article: "[A]lthough I must ask, is that a good carrier? it may just be the way Helena is sitting, but it looks like her butt is hanging down and her legs are tucked up, if so, wouldn’t that stretch her back way too much? or is it just my imagination? lol."
Someone call Kelly Rutherford and tell her Helena's gonna be a hunchback if she keeps using that baby carrier.

The second article pertains to this picture of Katie Holmes and Suri Cruise:

The majority of the comments on this article are in defense of the shoelessness, coming from people who are actually real parents to real, young children who more often than not spend their days unclothed to some degree. But it only takes a couple spoilsports to ruin the whole thing.
"Maybe they are going to by her some shoes!!!" and "No shoes….no socks…." and "I don’t get it: Either Suri is dressed to the nines, with heels to match, or she’s barefoot and being carried. Whatever happened to holding a child’s hand as they walked beside you (while wearing proper footwear)?"
Come on, like you people don't carry your kids around on occasion, or let them go without shoes. Gimme a break.

And here's another mother-of-multiples under fire for not treating her cherubs exactly the same way:

"Not to be one of “those” posters, but have we ever seen the other baby? I can’t remember. But I also don’t go to any of the other sites that post pictures."
It's a conspiracy! There's actually only one baby, and Sarah Jessica only wants the attention. Also, NO SHOES, BEING CARRIED! Whatever happened to putting babies in strollers?????

"UGH Baby Bjorns are the WORST for mom and baby! You would think that Sarah Jessica would know about the more stylish and healthy and comfortable options. Beco? Kleinsmekker? Girasol wraps? Ergo, even?"

"I agree with dd: that was an unfortunate carrier and and unfortunate position to choose."

Last but not least, we have little Levi McConaughey, who is being directly made fun of by an adult because of his belly button:

"WHERE IS THE SUNSCREEN? This kid’s mother is Brazilian but he is still at risk of skin cancer. Skin cancer is caused primarily by overexposure to the sun as a child when your skin is more sensitive."

"While everyone thinks it is so cute that Levi is like his father, I think it will be wonderful if the father actually lives to see his children grow into adults. The reason for my opinion is the time Matthew spends in the sun exposing as much of his body as he can, and now he has two little children he can expose to the sun, and God knows what their chances for survival will be from sun damage and various kinds of melanoma. Very dangerous and he shouldn’t be praised. He should be chastised."

"I don’t what all the fuss is about. His dress and hair makes him look like a little “trailer trash” kid. I don’t want to be mean, after all he is an innocent child, but what is with the outie belly button?"

Whatever happened to moms being united instead of snarling and insulting each other over THEIR OWN CHOICES when it comes to parenting? If this how women think they have to be in order to be good parents themselves, I sure hope I never run into any of them and see their child without shoes, or having a tantrum in a grocery store, or appearing not to have sunscreen on.

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